Fertility and IVF.

Here you find the most important information gathered for you on one page. Choose your group for info tailored specifically to your needs.

Mother walking with her toddler in a field

Select your patient group:

Young mother shows big sister her new brother

For couples who wants egg donation.

Men and women who want children together can now receive egg donations at Klinikk Hausken. With us, you get help to create the family you want. The first step is The Fertility Test. The test is adapted individually.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young father carries his child across the field

IVF treatment with egg donation.

The most commonly used method of fertilisation for couples at our clinics is IVF treatment. We also help those who need IVF treatment with egg donation.

We have an in-house egg bank, and we also cooperate with egg banks in Denmark and Finland.

Mother enjoying with her child on her lap

FER and cryopreservation.

After an IVF treatment, eggs can be frozen and stored for later insertion. This is often named FER treatment. A new attempt becomes a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes.

Proud fertility patient shows his child

ICSI – microinjection.

If sperm quality is poor or has low motility, ICSI may be a good solution. However, there are also other cases where ICSI (microinjection) may be needed. The Fertility Test will clarify what the best treatment option is.

Young father playing hide and seek with his child

TESE/PESA – sperm retrieval.

In some sperm samples, we do not find sperm. We can often retrieve semen from the testicles or epididymis in those cases. TESE/PESA is a simple and often painless procedure that lasts only a few minutes.

Female fertility patient playing with her baby in the living room

Other treatments

Fertility treatment is a complicated area, and it can quickly become a bit overwhelming. The Fertility Test is the examination where the doctor and the patient find the best solution.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test


Portrait of male fertility patient

With reduced sperm production, micro-TESE can extract enough sperm for 3-4 in vitro treatments.



Portrait of female fertility patient

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the woman's uterus. In some cases, a scratching of the endometrium may increase the chance of implantation.

Proud father holds his child waving to the photographer

The Fertility Test.

Most people who come to us, start with The Fertility Test. The examination is the first step on the way to an individually adapted treatment plan.

We have good routines for egg donation and The Fertility Test provides the answers you need.

Young female fertility patient posing with her child in the kitchen

For two women who want partner donation.

Two women in a relationship can now receive fertility treatment where one woman donates eggs to her partner. The clinic has developed good routines so that the donation itself becomes part of an individually adapted treatment plan.

The Fertility Test is the first step for women who want partner donation.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young women give their partner a good hug

IVF treatment with partner donation.

Women in relationships receive help with all the practicalities of donor sperm when they come to us for insemination (IUI) treatments or IVF with partner donation.

You receive a personalised treatment plan at the clinic. This makes the process easy to follow and enhances the possibility of a positive result.

Female IVF patient out jogging

Anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

Klinikk Hausken is the first fertility clinic in Norway to offer anaesthesia for egg retrieval. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you are considering this offer.

Young female patient reads about various fertility treatments on her laptop

Donor sperm.

Women in relationships receive help with all the practicalities of donor sperm when they come to us for insemination (IUI) or IVF with donor spem.

Everyone gets a personalised plan so that the process is easy to follow and clear.

Mother enjoying with her child on her lap

FER and cryopreservation.

After an IVF treatment, eggs can be frozen and stored for later insertion. This is often named FER treatment. A new attempt becomes a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes.

Young mother giving her young baby a hug

The Fertility Test.

This is the first step for you who want partner donation. Both women are examined so that further treatment can be planned.

The test is the first step on the way to an individually adapted treatment plan.

Young female patient at a fertility clinic who is going to freeze eggs

For those who want to freeze eggs.

There are many reasons to postpone pregnancy. Maybe you have not met the partner you want to share life with, or perhaps you have a work situation that makes it difficult to have children right now.

Most people considering freezing eggs (social freezing) start with The Fertility Test. It gives you the answers you need to make informed choices.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young mother with child on her arm looking out at the horizon

Cryopreservation of eggs.

You may know that you want children someday. With cryopreservation of eggs (social freezing), you can postpone pregnancy and at the same time increase the possibility of a positive result in the future.

Portrait of a female doctor and gynaecologist in a modern clinic interior

Anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

For most people, local anaesthesia works very well. But for some, there may be good reasons to choose anaesthesia. Klinikk Hausken is the first fertility clinic in Norway to offer anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

Creative young woman in her home office doing research

The Fertility Test.

Most patients who come to us start with The Fertility Test. With us, you get a test adapted to those who want to freeze eggs.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need. The test is completely non-binding.

Portrait single woman to start fertility treatment

Treatments for single women.

With us, you get help to plan or create a family. For most people, The Fertility Test is the first step. The test is a good start and gives you the answers you need to make well-considered choices.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young mother on the beach giving her child a good hug

IUI Donor.

A common method of fertilisation for single women is the IUI Donor. We help with all the practicalities and procedures involved with donor sperm.

Young mother helps her child with cartoons on the kitchen table

IVF with donor (IVFD).

The Fertility Test clarifies what the best treatment choice for you is. IVF with donor (IVFD) gives the best result for many single women.

Young female patient reads about various fertility treatments on her laptop

Donor sperm.

Single women get help with all the practicalities associated with donor sperm when they come to us. Donor sperm can be used for insemination (IUI) or IVF treatment with donor sperm.

Mother enjoying with her child on her lap

FER and cryopreservation.

After an IVF treatment, eggs can be frozen and stored for later insertion. This is often named FER treatment. A new attempt becomes a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes.

Female fertility patient playing with her baby in the living room

Other treatments.

Here are some more treatments that may be of interest to you. Remember, you are always welcome to send us questions via chat or message form.



Portrait of female fertility patient

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the woman's uterus. In some cases, a scratching of the endometrium may increase the chance of getting pregnant.


Cryopreservation eggs

Portrait of female fertility patient

Cryopreservation of eggs (social freezing) makes it possible for women to store eggs and thus postpone pregnancy until a later date.

Cryopreservation eggs

Anaesthesia for egg retrieval

Portrait of female fertility patient

Klinikk Hausken is the first fertility clinic in Norway to offer anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

Anaesthesia egg retrieval
Female fertility patient with baby on shoulders

The Fertility Test.

Most people who come to us start with The Fertility Test. With us, you get a test adapted to single women.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need. It is entirely non-binding.

Smiling lesbian couple reading about fertility treatment on their computer

Two women who wants children.

With us, you get help to create a family. The first step for most people is The Fertility Test. The test provides the answers you need to make informed choices.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young lesbian couple caring for their first child

IUI Donor – insemination.

The most commonly used method of assisted fertilisation for lesbian couples is insemination with a donor. With us, you get help with all the practicalities involved with sperm donation.

Lesbian couple playing with their child in the living room

IVF with donor.

After The Fertility Test, you know if the best choice is IVF with donor (IVFD). We have extensive experience with IVFD. Therefore, you get the best opportunity for a successful result.

Young female patient reads about various fertility treatments on her laptop

Donor sperm.

Women in relationships receive help with all the practicalities of donor sperm when they come to us for insemination (IUI) or IVF with donor sperm.

Every couple receives a personalised plan, so the process is precise and clear.

Mother enjoying with her child on her lap

FER and cryopreservation.

After an IVF treatment, eggs can be frozen and stored for later insertion. This is often named FER treatment. A new attempt becomes a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes.

Female fertility patient playing with her baby in the living room

Other treatments

Here are some more treatments that may be appropriate for lesbian couples. Remember, you are always welcome to send us questions via chat or message form.



Portrait of female fertility patient

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the woman's uterus. In some cases, a scratching of the endometrium may increase the chance of implantation.

Cryopreservation eggs

Portrait of female fertility patient

Cryopreservation of eggs (social freezing) makes it possible to store eggs and thus postpone pregnancy until later.

Anaesthesia for egg retrieval

Portrait of female fertility patient

Klinikk Hausken is the first fertility clinic in Norway to offer anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

Young mother helping her child take her first steps

The Fertility Test.

Most people who come to us start with The Fertility Test. With us, you get a test adapted to two women who want children.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need. It is entirely non-binding.

Heterosexual couple who have started IVF treatment

Couples without prior attempts.

With us, you get help to create a family. For most couples who come to us, The Fertility Test is the first step. The survey is a good start and gives you the answers you need to make well-considered choices further.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young family out for a walk in scenic surroundings

IVF treatment.

The most commonly used method of fertilisation for couples with us is in vitro fertilization - or so-called IVF treatment. There is also the option of IVF treatment with donor sperm.


IVF treatment

Portrait of female fertility patient

At Klinikk Hausken, you will meet a fertility team with extensive IVF treatment experience. A personalised plan gives you the best starting point for a successful treatment.

IVF with donor sperm (IVFD)

Portrait of female fertility patient

It is necessary to use donor sperm in IVF treatment in some cases – so-called IVFD. With us, you get a neat and precise treatment plan that makes the process with donor sperm as simple as possible.

Young father feeds his child

IUI treatment (insemination)

In many cases, IUI treatment (insemination) is a good alternative. The woman has sperm inserted in a natural cycle or after light hormone treatment.

You can use the partner's sperm or sperm donor in IUI treatments.


IUI Partner

Portrait of male fertility patient

For many couples, IUI treatment is the easiest choice. The Fertility Test and a conversation with the doctor will clarify whether the treatment suits you.

IUI Donor

Portrait of female fertility patient

In some cases, IUI treatment with donor sperm can be the solution. If donor sperm is needed, we help you with the practicalities to make the process clear and orderly.

Mother enjoying with her child on her lap

FER and cryopreservation.

After an IVF treatment, eggs can be frozen and stored for later insertion. This is often named FER treatment. A new attempt becomes a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes.

Proud fertility patient shows his child

ICSI – microinjection.

If sperm quality is poor or has low motility, ICSI may be a good solution. However, there are also other cases where ICSI (microinjection) may be needed. The Fertility Test will clarify what the best treatment option is.

Young father playing hide and seek with his child

TESE/PESA – sperm retrieval.

In some sperm samples, we do not find sperm. We can often retrieve semen from the testicles or epididymis in those cases. TESE/PESA is a simple and often painless procedure that lasts only a few minutes.

Female fertility patient playing with her baby in the living room

Other treatments

Fertility treatment is a complicated area, and it can quickly become a bit overwhelming. The Fertility Test is the examination where the doctor and the patient find the best solution.



Portrait of male fertility patient

With reduced sperm production, micro-TESE can extract enough sperm for 3-4 in vitro treatments.

Cryopreservation eggs

Portrait of female fertility patient

Cryopreservation of eggs (social freezing) makes it possible to store eggs and thus postpone pregnancy until later.


Portrait of female fertility patient

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the woman's uterus. In some cases, a scratching of the endometrium may increase the chance of implantation.

Anaesthesia for egg retrieval

Portrait of female fertility patient

Klinikk Hausken is the first fertility clinic in Norway to offer anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

Donor sperm

Portrait of female fertility patient

Couples and singles can get both IUI and IVF treatment with donor sperm. In addition, you get help with all the practicalities associated with buying donor sperm.

Young heterosexual couple about to start IVF treatment posing smiling in their living room

IVF step-by-step.

We have made an overview of the various steps in a regular IVF treatment (test tube treatment). Here you will find a step-by-step explanation for both long and short protocols.

Young smiling woman lifts her new baby

The Fertility Test.

Most people who come to us start with The Fertility Test. The examination is the first step on the way to an individually adapted treatment plan.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need, and it is entirely non-binding.

Heterosexual couple reading about fertility treatment on their computer

Couples with previous attempts.

The Fertility Test is the first step to a successful pregnancy - also for those of you who have had previous attempts. It is essential to get to the bottom of why you have not succeeded before.

The examination allows the doctor to evaluate the previous treatment and thus find new opportunities. You get the answers you need to make informed choices.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young family out for a walk in scenic surroundings

IVF treatment.

The most commonly used method of fertilisation for couples with us is in vitro fertilization - or so-called IVF treatment. There is also the option of IVF treatment with donor sperm.


IVF treatment

Portrait of female fertility patient

At Klinikk Hausken, you will meet a fertility team with extensive IVF treatment experience. A personalised plan gives you the best starting point for a successful treatment.

IVF with donor sperm (IVFD)

Portrait of female fertility patient

It is necessary to use donor sperm in IVF treatment in some cases. With us, you get a neat and precise treatment plan that makes the process with donor sperm as simple as possible.

Young father feeds his child

IUI treatment (insemination)

In many cases, IUI treatment (insemination) is a good alternative. The woman has sperm inserted in a natural cycle or after light hormone treatment.

You can use the partner's sperm or sperm donor in IUI treatments.


IUI Partner

Portrait of male fertility patient

For many couples, IUI treatment is the easiest choice. The Fertility Test and a conversation with the doctor will clarify whether the treatment suits you.

IUI Donor

Portrait of female fertility patient

In some cases, IUI treatment with donor sperm can be the solution. If donor sperm is needed, we help you with the practicalities to make the process clear and orderly.

Mother enjoying with her child on her lap

FER and cryopreservation.

After an IVF treatment, eggs can be frozen and stored for later insertion. This is often named FER treatment. A new attempt becomes a simple procedure that only takes a few minutes.

Proud fertility patient shows his child

ICSI – microinjection.

If sperm quality is poor or has low motility, ICSI may be a good solution. However, there are also other cases where ICSI (microinjection) may be needed. The Fertility Test will clarify what the best treatment option is.

Young father playing hide and seek with his child

TESE/PESA – sperm retrieval.

In some sperm samples, we do not find sperm. We can often retrieve semen from the testicles or epididymis in those cases. TESE/PESA is a simple and often painless procedure that lasts only a few minutes.

Female fertility patient playing with her baby in the living room

Other treatments

Fertility treatment is a complicated area, and it can quickly become a bit overwhelming. The Fertility Test is the examination where the doctor and the patient find the best solution.



Portrait of male fertility patient

With reduced sperm production, micro-TESE can extract enough sperm for 3-4 in vitro treatments.

Cryopreservation eggs

Portrait of female fertility patient

Cryopreservation of eggs (social freezing) makes it possible to store eggs and thus postpone pregnancy until later.


Portrait of female fertility patient

Hysteroscopy is an examination of the woman's uterus. In some cases, a scratching of the endometrium may increase the chance of implantation.

Anaesthesia for egg retrieval

Portrait of female fertility patient

Klinikk Hausken is the first fertility clinic in Norway to offer anaesthesia for egg retrieval.

Donor sperm

Portrait of female fertility patient

Couples and singles can get both IUI and IVF treatment with donor sperm. In addition, you get help with all the practicalities associated with buying donor sperm.

Young heterosexual couple about to start IVF treatment posing smiling in their living room

IVF step-by-step.

We have made an overview of the various steps in a regular IVF treatment (test tube treatment). Here you will find a step-by-step explanation for both long and short protocols.

Young father with his child in his arms looks out the window

The Fertility Test.

Most people who come to us start with The Fertility Test. The test is the first step on the way to an individually adapted treatment plan.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need, and it is completely non-binding.

Man in sofa reading about fertility treatment on his mobile phone

Single kvinner og menn som ønsker
å sjekke status.

Many singles who are not in a relationship want to examine their fertility. The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need. After the examination, you have a better understanding of your own fertility and what you must do if you want children at a later stage in your life.

AppointmentThe Fertility Test
Young man reading medical test results on his mobile phone

App-based sperm test.

In collaboration with ExSeed Health, we offer a simple but accurate sperm test (at-home-kit) for anyone who wants to examine sperm quality. The test is app-based and is mailed to you in a neutral postal package.

Doctor working with microscope

Semen analysis test – same-day results.

With us, you can have a semen analysis test done in our laboratory and get a result the same day. Sperm quality is the easiest to test when there is no pregnancy.

Thoughtful young woman with coffee cup considering taking The Fertility Test

The Fertility Test.

Most patients who come to us start with The Fertility Test. You get a test adapted to single women and men who want to check their status.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need. It is entirely non-binding.

Young woman doing diet research on her laptop

Nutritional physiologist.

The food you eat can positively affect fertility treatment. That is why Klinikk Hausken collaborates with nutritional physiologist Ragnhild Junge. Read more about how Ragnhild can help you.

Female patient books an appointment with a family therapist on her mobile phone

Family therapist.

Klinikk Hausken collaborates with family therapist Tone Bråten who is a therapist specialising in fertility.

As part of your fertility treatment with us, you get a free appointment with Tone.

Young mother on a trip with her baby

Customer testimonials.

For many, fertility treatment is unknown and perhaps a little scary. It can be good to read some customer testimonials and see that others have the same thoughts as you.

Young mother with her baby on her lap doing research on her laptop


Here are some IVF FAQs that patients often ask. Many of the answers may be helpful to you as well.

Repayment plan.

You have the opportunity to pay for IVF treatments with us with a flexible repayment plan. You can also choose a free invoice with up to a 60-day payment deadline.

Portrait of female employee

"Klinikk Hausken has modern clinics in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen og Haugesund. We are where you are."

Modern fertility clinic interior


Our team of doctors and embryologists work with the latest and innovative technology

Waiting area in modern clinic

Leader in Norway

The clinic has grown since 2006. We help more singles and couples with IVF treatment than anyone else.

Modern clinic interior at Klinikk Hausken


You get a personally tailored treatment plan. It is an important reason for our success rate.
