Price list IVF and gynaecology.

Klinikk Hausken is Norway's largest clinic within assisted reproduction. The clinic also has gynaecologists who help women of all ages.

Young couple on a walk in the woods with their newborn baby

Here is an overview of the prices for everything from gynaecological examinations to IVF and fertility treatment. Remember that the clinic also performs both diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy.

Other treatment options include aquascanning, cyst puncture and freezing of condyloma. We also offer semen analysis. No referral required.

The Fertility Test

For couples without prior attempts 

The Fertility Test gives couples who are not pregnant the answers they need. The test is entirely non-binding. You receive a full assessment of your individual situation and a proposed treatment plan. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3750,-

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For couples with prior attempts 

The Fertility Test gives couples who are not pregnant the answers they need. The test is entirely non-binding. You receive a full assessment of your individual situation and a proposed treatment plan. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3750,-

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For lesbian couples 

The Fertility Test gives lesbian couples who want to get pregnant the answers they need. The test is entirely non-binding. You receive a full assessment of your individual situation and a proposed treatment plan. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3750,-

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For single women

Klinikk Hausken helps single women who want to get pregnant. The Fertility Test is the first step. It is entirely non-binding. Full assessment and mapping of individual treatment plan. With us, you get a survey tailored to your needs. You receive a full assessment of your individual situation and a proposed treatment plan. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3140,-

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For lesbian couples who want partner donation

Klinikk Hausken offers The Fertility Test adapted to two women who want a partner donation. You receive a full assessment of your individual situation and a proposed treatment plan. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3750,-

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For couples who want egg donation

Klinikk Hausken offers The Fertility Test to couples who want egg donation. The test is entirely non-binding. You receive a full assessment of your individual situation and a proposed treatment plan. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3750,-

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For those who want social freezing

Klinikk Hausken offers The Fertility Test to women who want to freeze eggs - so-called self-donation. The test is completely non-binding. With us, you get an examination tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 3140,-

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Fertility status check for singles

We adapt The Fertility Test to single women and men who want to map their fertility status. The test is completely non-binding. With us, you get a survey tailored to your needs.

Price NOK 2360,-

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Assisted fertilisation

IVF treatment

  • Follow-up of the doctor and nurse throughout the IVF treatment.
  • Ultrasound (up to 2 before egg collection)
  • Egg collection
  • Time-lapse incubator system
  • Embryo transfer

IVF treatment does not include the cost of medication.

If the doctor can not go through with the treatment due to OHSS or other compli- cations like bleeding/infection, the couple shall not pay for the first embryo insertion after the embryo has been frozen.

Price for IVF treatment does not assume that embryos are available for insemination or freezing (completed egg collection equals an IVF treatment).

If treatment is cancelled before egg collection: Price NOK 7 900,-

Up to 2 ultrasounds included for each IVF attempt. Additional ultrasound: Price NOK 995,-

Interest-free repayment plan: You can get up to a 24-month interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and when freezing eggs. Contact us for details.

Anesthesia is available. Ask your relevant clinic for information on price and location.

Price NOK 49 400,-

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IVF 3-pack

“IVF 3-pack” includes the same points and terms as “IVF Treatment”. In addition, these terms and conditions apply:

  • The woman must not be over 39 years at the time of the contract.
  • The AMH should be above 5 and/or have the number of antrale follicles (ultrasound) of at least 10.
  • The treatment (up to 3 IVF attempts) should be completed within 18 months.
  • The contract is fulfilled after 3 initiated IVF attempts or when the couple has reached pregnancy and has had children within the 3 attempts.
  •  No previous 3-Pack treatment and maximum 2 previous negative attempts.
  • When necessary the doctor considers each case separately in order to see if a3-Pack treatment is advisable.

Interest-free repayment plan: You can get up to a 24-month interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and when freezing eggs. Contact us for details.

Anesthesia is available. Ask your relevant clinic for information on price and location.

Price NOK 98 800,-

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IVF Donor (IVFD)

IVF donor (IVFD) treatment includes:

  • Follow-up of the doctor and nurse throughout the IVF treatment.
  • Ultrasound (up to 2 before egg collection)
  • Egg collection
  • Time-lapse incubator system
  • Embryo transfer

IVF treatment does not include the cost of medication or donor sperm.

We guide the patient through the process of choosing a sperm donor and practical details. Patients who need donor sperm must order this from the selected donor bank.

If the doctor can not go through with the treatment due to OHSS or other complicationslike bleeding/infection, the couple shall not pay for the first embryo insertionafter the embryo has been frozen.

Price for IVF treatment does not assume that embryos are available for inseminationor freezing (completed egg collection equals an IVF treatment).

If treatment is cancelled before egg collection, the price is NOK 7 900,-

Interest-free repayment plan: You can get up to a 24-month interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and when freezing eggs. Contact us for details.

Anesthesia is available. Ask your relevant clinic for information on price and location.

Price NOK 49 400,-

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IVF Donor (IVFD) 3-pack

“IVF Donor (IVFD) 3-pack” includes the same points and terms as “IVF Donor (IVFD)”. In addition, these terms and conditions apply:

  • The woman must not be over 39 years at the time of the contract.
  • The AMH should be above 5 and/or have the number of antrale follicles (ultrasound) of at least 10.
  • The treatment (up to 3 IVF attempts) should be completed within 18 months.
  • The contract is fulfilled after 3 initiated IVF attempts or when the couple hasreached pregnancy and has had children within the 3 attempts.
  • No previous 3-Pack treatment and maximum 2 previous negative attempts.
  • When necessary the doctor considers each case separately in order to see if a 3-Pack treatment is advisable.

Interest-free repayment plan: You can get up to a 24-month interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and when freezing eggs. Contact us for details.

Anesthesia is available. Ask your relevant clinic for information on price and location.

Price NOK 98 800,-

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IVF with egg donation

Interest-free repayment plan: You can get up to a 24-month interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and when freezing eggs. Contact us for details.

Anesthesia is available. Ask your relevant clinic for information on price and location.

Part 1: Price NOK 39 600,-

Part 2: Price NOK 56 800,-


IVF with partner donation (same sex couple)

Interest-free repayment plan: You can get up to a 24-month interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and when freezing eggs. Contact us for details.

Anesthesia is available. Ask your relevant clinic for information on price and location.

Price NOK 49 400,-


Cancelled IVF

Price NOK 7900,-

Interest-free repayment plan

You can get up to 24 months interest-free repayment plan with our IVF treatments and by freezing eggs. Contact us for details.


Additional price for IVF treatment. A method often used in cases with reduced sperm quality.

Price NOK 4940,-

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Additional price for IVF treatment. Surgical collection of semen.

When using PESA/TESE, one must also add the cost of ICSI.

Price NOK 4940,-

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Diagnostic PESA/TESE

Usually performed in advance of IVF. Surgical collection of semen.

Price NOK 7200,-

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Collection of sperm in cases of reduced or lack of sperm production.

Price NOK 31 400,-

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Genetic profile

Genetic profile (SCA CASA DNA fragmentation)

It is often DNA damage to the sperm (so-called fragmentation) that is the cause of fertility problems in men. This can reduce embryo development and can prevent a successful pregnancy.

Klinikk Hausken has invested in the most modern and advanced sperm analyzer on the market (SCA® CASA System). With this method, we can separate sperm with so-called fragmented DNA.

Price NOK 4560,-


Transvaginal hydrolaprascopy

Price NOK 10 500,-


ERPeak test

We use this test to find the woman's optimal time of implantation.

Price NOK 9370,-


 Immunological Analysis of Endometrium

An immunological analysis of the endometrium. The price includes a biopsy.

Price NOK 6060,-


FER (Frozen Embryo Replacement)

Cryopreservation and storage of embryo

Cryopreservation and one year storage of embryos. You sign a contract for one initial year of cryopreservation.

Price NOK 6100,-

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Transfer of frozen-thawed embryos

You sign a confirmation regarding transfer of frozen-thawed embryos.

Additional ultrasound: Price NOK 995,-

Price NOK 17 300,-



Cryopreservation of eggs (social freezing)

Freezing eggs (social freezing) and one year storage.

Price NOK 31 300,-

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Sperm sample or testicular tissue

Cryopreservation of sperm sample or testicular tissue 

Price NOK 4000,-

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Yearly storage

Embryo or eggs

Yearly storage of embryos or eggs.

Price NOK 2700,-


Donor straw, sperm or testicular tissue 

Yearly storage of straw, sperm og testicular tissue.

Price NOK 2700,-


IUI – insemination treatments

IUI Partner

Insemination with partner's sperm.

Additional ultrasound: Price NOK 995,-

Price NOK 9400,-

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IUI Partner 3-pack

Price NOK 18 900,-

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IUI Donor

Inseminasjon med donorsperm.

Purchase of donor sperm is in addition.

Additional ultrasound: Price NOK 995,-

Price NOK 12 800,-

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IUI Donor 3-pack

Purchase of donor sperm is in addition.

Price NOK 25 900,-

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Donor sperm

1 straw - inclusive pregnancy slot

Price NOK 19 100,-

2 straws - inclusive pregnancy slot

Price NOK 26 500,-

3 straws - inclusive pregnancy slot

Price NOK 34 000,-

Add more straws for an additional fee:
1 straw: NOK 7500,-
2 straws: NOK 15 000,-
3 straws: NOK 22 500,-

1 straw - exclusive pregnancy slot

Price NOK 14 500,-

2 straws - exclusive pregnancy slot

Price NOK 22 000,-

3 straws - exclusive pregnancy slot

Price NOK 29 600,-

Add more straws for an additional fee:
1 straw: NOK 7500,-
2 straws: NOK 15 000,-
3 straws: NOK 22 500,-

Hormone treatments

Hormone stimulation

Hormone stimulation (coitus) price per ultrasound.

Price NOK 995,-




45 minutes:

Price NOK 1030,-

60 minutes:

Price NOK 1430,-




You do not pay extra for simple procedures such as scratching

Price NOK 9 300,-

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Price NOK 12 200,-

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NIPT test

NIPT test

NIPT is a reliable and safe genetic screening without risk to the fetus.

Price NOK 8 370,-

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Gynaecology and ultrasound

Gynaecological examination

For example cell sample, ultrasound, bleeding disorders, menopause.

Price NOK 1 960,-

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Prenatal checkup with ultrasound

Price NOK 1 960,-

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3D ultrasound

Recommended between weeks 26 and 32.

Price NOK 2 360,-

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No-show fee

Price NOK 600,-



Pipelle sampling

Scratching is performed by making a slight wound in the uterine lining. As in a standard gynaecological examination, it is performed without the need for anaesthesia. A small plastic tube is inserted into the uterine cavity and "scrapes" the surface so that you get a controlled injury.

This can cause mild, short-term menstrual-like pain/discomfort. It may be that you have some minor bleeding afterwards. The "newly repaired" uterine lining is then more susceptible to an embryo to be implanted.

  • In the case of a long protocol, scratching is performed after the end of menstruation, before the start of spray.
  • With a short protocol, scartching is performed immediately after the end of menstruation in the cycle before the planned attempt.

Price NOK 1960,-


Aquascanning and fallopian tube examination

An examination of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

Price NOK 2860,-


Cyst puncture

Price NOK 2860,-


Minor surgical procedures

Price NOK 2860,-


Condylomata freezing

Price NOK 2860,-


Sperm analysis

Sperm analysis with same-day results.

The test can be taken in an adapted room at the clinic. You can also collect it at home, but it must be delivered within an hour and kept close to the body to maintain temperature.

Price NOK 2270,-

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Genetic profile

Genetic profile (SCA CASA DNA fragmentation)

It is often DNA damage to the sperm (so-called fragmentation) that is the cause of fertility problems in men. This can reduce embryo development and can prevent a successful pregnancy.

Klinikk Hausken has invested in the most modern and advanced sperm analyzer on the market (SCA® CASA System). With this method, we can separate sperm with so-called fragmented DNA.

Price NOK 4 560,-


Appointments for The Fertility Test, gynaecologist or ultrasound, must be cancelled at least 24 hours before the agreed hour to avoid a fee (NOK 995 for The Fertility Test and NOK 600 for gynaecology/ultrasound)

All prices are subject to change. We make reservations for errors. Prices are valid from January 2025.

Frequently asked questions

Customer testimonials

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The fertility test

Our doctors

Portrait of female employee

"Klinikk Hausken has modern clinics in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen og Haugesund. We are where you are."

Modern fertility clinic interior


Our team of doctors and embryologists work with the latest and innovative technology

Waiting area in modern clinic

Leader in Norway

The clinic has grown since 2006. We help more singles and couples with IVF treatment than anyone else.

Modern clinic interior at Klinikk Hausken


You get a personally tailored treatment plan. It is an important reason for our success rate.
