This is The Fertility Test for those who are not in a relationship and who only want to check their fertility status. More and more people have children later in life, and many discover too late that they have a fertility problem.
This test enables you to be a little more prepared when you get to the stage in life where you want children.
We offer several types of The Fertility Test adapted to different needs and situations. The test is entirely non-binding.
Those who may want to start treatment at a later stage, can then order The Fertility Test that is relevant to them at that point. See the overview here >>
The Fertility Test – for singles who want to check status
Consultation with doctor:
The Fertility Test is adapted to your individual needs. After completing the examination, you will have a new understanding and knowledge of your fertility. Where necessary, the doctor performs extensive examinations (*) to confirm fertility. The "The Fertility Test for singles who want to check status" is not intended to be used in connection with start-up of fertility treatment.
You have two choices: Send a message with appointment request and questions. Or choose the day and time for your appointment in the Helseboka app.
"Klinikk Hausken has modern clinics in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen og Haugesund. We are where you are."
Our team of doctors and embryologists work with the latest and innovative technology
The clinic has grown since 2006. We help more singles and couples with IVF treatment than anyone else.
You get a personally tailored treatment plan. It is an important reason for our success rate.
The fertility test