IVF – frequently asked questions.

We get a lot of questions from our patients. Below you will find answers to many of the questions that people often ask.

Young mother with her baby on her lap doing research on her laptop

Do we both have to show up for The Fertility Test?

Yes, then it is easier for the doctor to form a picture of the situation. And it is a good idea for the man to have a sperm sample taken. It is beneficial for both to be there as you will receive a lot of information.

We have had an appointment elsewhere, so we know what the problem is. Is it necessary to have a new examination with you?

Yes. It is crucial with a view to the doctor giving you an individually adapted plan based on your findings/information. But feel free to bring a journal and the like from previous attempts.

Does Klinikk Hausken have an upper limit for BMI?

The upper limit is 35, but the doctor always makes an overall assessment. The BMI number is just one of many aspects that are taken into account when planning fertility treatment. The chance of successful assisted reproduction does not appear to be significantly lower for overweight compared to normal-weight women.

However, there is an increased risk of pregnancy complications with increasing BMI, such as high blood pressure/pregnancy poisoning, gestational diabetes and birth complications. Weight reduction before treatment may reduce the risk of such complications.

What does an attempt cost?

Here you will find an updated price list >>

When do we have to pay for the IVF treatment?

Payment is made via bank transfer in advance of egg retrieval. Any additional treatments such as ICSI, cryopreservation etc., are paid after completing these procedures.

Did you forget to send a prescription?

I was at the pharmacy today to pick up the medicine, but there was no e-prescription.

We do not send e-prescriptions. You got a prescription when you were here for a consultation. You must take this to the pharmacy. Take good care of the recipe. It can often be used again if necessary.

Can I drink alcohol during stimulation?

You should not drink alcohol during stimulation.

Do I have to use nasal spray the same day as the ovulation syringe?

No, in case of long protocol, the last dose of nasal spray (Synarela) is used the night before the ovulation syringe is inserted unless otherwise agreed.

It always comes out a bit again after I take Lutinus?

It is entirely normal and does not affect the effect.

Do I have to sit still for a while after taking Lutinus?


Can I inject Orgalutran in my stomach? The instructions say I should inject it in the thigh.

You can inject Orgalutran in your stomach as you do with the other syringes. But you should vary the injection area.

There's an air bubble in my Orgalutran/Klexane syringe. Should I try to get rid of it?

No, that air bubble should be there. It is not dangerous if some air comes with it when inserting the syringe.

Should Ovitrelle be injected in the stomach like the other syringes?


Can one have intercourse before egg retrieval?

Yes, you can have intercourse until injection with ovulation syringe.

When will the egg retrieval happen?

The time of egg retrieval can not be determined until ultrasound after stimulation.

Can I exercise or go to work after egg implantation?

Yes, it would be best if you live normally. If you are used to exercising, you can continue with this. But you do not have to train hard over long periods of high heart rate. It is important and good to be on the move.

When am I entitled to a form for reimbursement of medicines from Helfo?

Helfo covers medicine costs over NOK 18,067 (2020) for up to 3 trials.

What painkillers can I use after egg retrieval or implantation?

You can use Paracet if you need painkillers.

When can I try again after a negative attempt?

You should have had a regular period before you can start again.

When can I take the first ultrasound?

We agree when the first ultrasound will be taken when you call for start-up of syringes. Usually, it is after 8 days of injections at short protocol and after 10 days at long protocol, but there are individual adjustments.

Price list

Frequently asked questions

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"Klinikk Hausken has modern clinics in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen og Haugesund. We are where you are."

Modern fertility clinic interior


Our team of doctors and embryologists work with the latest and innovative technology

Waiting area in modern clinic

Leader in Norway

The clinic has grown since 2006. We help more singles and couples with IVF treatment than anyone else.

Modern clinic interior at Klinikk Hausken


You get a personally tailored treatment plan. It is an important reason for our success rate.

The fertility test

IVF & Fertility
