"Diagnostic PESA / THESE is surgical retrieval of sperm. It is usually performed before an IVF attempt."
Diagnostic PESA/TESE is usually performed before an IVF attempt. This is a surgical collection of semen and takes place under local anaesthesia. Diagnostic PESA is where sperm are extracted out of the epididymis with a thin needle. Diagnostic TESE is an operative retrieval of sperm from the testicle. First, a biopsy is taken, and the embryologist then places it under a microscope in the hope of finding live sperm that can be used for IVF treatment.
PESA (Percutaneous Epidydimal Sperm Aspiration): the sperm are extracted from the epididymis with a thin needle.
TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration): sperm are aspirated (sucked) out of the testicle with a thin needle.
TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction): operative retrieval of sperm from the testicle.
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