Our IVF specialists.

Our team of doctors helps couples and singles throughout Norway and abroad with the dream of having children.

Heterosexual couple in conversation with their fertility doctor

With more than 20 years of experience in IVF, Dr. Jon Hausken started Klinikk Hausken in 2006. Since its inception, the clinic has become the largest IVF clinic in Norway based on both the number of patients and the success rate.

From the very first day, Dr. Hausken has had a clear vision of how he wanted to shape and run the clinic. Core values ​​focus on individual treatment, innovation and simple and clear treatment plans.

Dr. Hausken and his team have created a clinic that feels safe for couples seeking IVF treatment. All patients receive a nurse whom they can consult. In addition, all couples have direct contact with their IVF Specialist so that they feel safe through the treatment.

The entire KH team is ready to make your experience the best possible. Whichever department you choose, we hope to provide you and your partner with a safe and secure framework around the treatment. Many of the doctors and other employees will find you at several of the departments on a regular basis.


You do not need a referral to book an appointment with us.

IVF specialists in Oslo

IVF specialists in Bergen

IVF specialists in Stavanger

IVF specialists in Haugesund

Price list

Frequently asked questions

Customer testimonials

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The fertility test

IVF & Fertility
