Gynaecology and ultrasound – FAQ

Below you will find answers to some frequently asked questions people have.

Young woman posing in front of a bookshelf

Can I go to the gynaecologist class when I have my period?

We can not take pap smear during menstruation. But we can do all the other examinations.

Do you do ultrasounds vaginally or on my stomach when I am pregnant?

If you are under 12 weeks, ultrasound is done vaginally. After week 12, an ultrasound is performed on the abdomen.

I want a IUD, do I buy it at the pharmacy before I come to my appointment?

We have IUDs (Intrauterine device) in stock with us (copper and hormone), so you do not need to pick one up at the pharmacy. If you have received a prescription for IUD from another doctor, you can of course, pick it up at the pharmacy first and bring it with you to your appointment.

Do you insert Gynefix?

At the moment we do not.

When in the cycle can I have an IUD inserted?

We do this after menstruation and before ovulation.

I'm pregnant, when can I get an ultrasound at the earliest?

The earliest is about week 7. Then you can see the heartbeat.

Is there a long wait to get an appointment

You usually get an appointment quickly.

I am under 25 years old. Can I do a pap smear?

Our doctors recommend waiting until you are 25 years old. But if you still want a check, the doctor can assess when you arrive for your appointment.

I've been to you before. Can I have a new prescription sent to me without coming to a new appointment?

The doctor you were with last decides if you should come to a new appointment or not.

Do I need a referral from my GP to book an appointment?

No, you do not need a referral to book an appointment with us.

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