What is Hysteroscopy
A hysteroscopy means that the doctor examines the inside of the uterus. This can be done before an assisted fertilisation to check if the uterus has a normal shape and size. Hysteroscopy may also be relevant to investigate bleeding, removal of the coil and examination of uterine cancer.
A hysteroscopy may be relevant before fertility treatment. Usually, there is nothing to be found, but in some, you will find polyps or adhesions. If an embryo gets stuck in these, there is often not enough circulation, and you do not get pregnant.
It is a simple examination performed in a regular gynaecologist's chair and without any kind of anaesthesia. The tube, which is only 3.5 mm, is inserted through the cervical canal and up into the uterine cavity. There is a video camera attached to the scope so that the doctor can see the inside of the uterus on the screen. It is completely painless for the patient. The survey only takes a few minutes. If you find mucosal growths (polyps) then these can be removed there and then.
This is a common hysteroscopy where the doctor only examines the inside of the uterine cavity.
When the doctor inserts instruments through the hysteroscope to perform operations on the uterine cavity itself, it is called surgical hysteroscopy.
It is also possible to do a so-called "scratching" of the endometrium by a hysteroscopy. This can increase the chance of pregnancy.
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"Very happy with my new gynaecologist. Got an appointment the next day. Extra plus with such nice new premises at Lysaker Torg."
Cathrine from Oslo
"Klinikk Hausken has modern clinics in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen og Haugesund. We are where you are."
Our team of doctors and embryologists work with the latest and innovative technology
The clinic has grown since 2006. We help more singles and couples with IVF treatment than anyone else.
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