A NIPT test (non-invasive prenatal test) is essentially a blood test. The purpose of the test is to detect the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities and it tests for trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edward's syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). A blood sample is taken from the pregnant woman's arm and can be performed from week 10 + 0 until the end of the pregnancy.
The more information expectant mothers have about their child's health, the easier the experience of giving birth becomes. Chances of defects and genetic diseases are less likely if the test does not detect signs of abnormalities in the DNA. This can provide the parent-to-be peace of mind.
Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) is available to all pregnant women in Norway, and everyone who wishes to can book an appointment at our clinics throughout Norway. The usual prenatal care you receive from your doctor or gynaecologist will not be affected whether you choose to have this screening or not.
The NIPT test samples tiny pieces of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from the placenta in a pregnant woman's blood. Some DNA flows into the bloodstream when these cells die and break down.
There are tiny pieces of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in a pregnant woman's blood. When these cells die and break down, small pieces of DNA flows into the bloodstream. The NIPT test samples these tiny parts.
The NIPT test involves a quick blood draw with a syringe, and it is entirely safe for you and the baby. You simply roll up your sleeves at the clinic. Next, the laboratory will look at the cfDNA in your blood and determine if there are any signs of abnormalities.
We send the blood sample to Sweden where we collaborate with the lab Life Genomics AB in Gothenburg and Edda Labs who established the NIPT school. They have several years of experience with NIPT analysis as the test has been in use in Sweden for many years.
The test result at NIPT is usually available within 10-12 days after your first visit to the clinic.
The NIPT is a screening test for the most common chromosomal defects in the fetus. The test can predict whether the risk of a genetic condition is high or low - in other words, it is a screening test and will not give you a "yes" or "no" answer about genetic defects. If the NIPT results reveal a high likelihood of a trisomy, it is essential to confirm these findings with a placenta or amniocentesis sample to offer a definitive answer.
In 2020 a majority agreement in the Norwegian Paraliament agreed to amendments to the Biotechnology Act (Bioteknologiloven). These changes mean, among other things, that it is now allowed to perform NIPT for all pregnant women.
It is important to us that the pregnant woman who wants NIPT is well informed about what such a test is, what it entails, its limitations and what consequences an answer may bring. Therefore, those who want to take a NIPT test must complete some online classes about the NIPT test - We call this the NIPT School. Here you will learn in more detail what NIPT is, safety around the test, and reliability. The NIPT school is free and you can log in securely with a bank ID. The NIPT school takes about 20 minutes to complete.
Women who wish can now book a NIPT test at all of the Klinikk Hausken branches in Norway. Use the booking form below or use your live chat.
You do not need a referral to book an appointment with us.
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