"At Klinikk Hausken, all couples get the opportunity for IVF treatment with donor sperm. The first step is The Fertility Test."
We offer IVF and IUI treatment with donor sperm for all couples. We have good procedures in place for quick initiation of treatment and selection of donor. We use European Sperm Bank in Copenhagen. This is because they have a good selection of suitable donors and good routines for examinations and follow-up of donors. European Sperm Bank have procedures for maintaining anonymity, delivery and control of the number of children per donor through its concept of child rights. We have excellent results on this type of treatment.
After you have either called us or booked an appointment for The Fertility Test through our email system, you will receive a confirmation letter in the mail. This letter will also contain information about what will happen during the consultation. The appointment starts with a conversation with the doctor, who takes plenty of time to form a picture of the situation and answer any questions.
A treatment plan is then set up for you, and the doctor chooses the donor according to the couple's physical characteristics.
The nurse carefully reviews the treatment proposal with you and informs you about all treatment-related practical matters (e.g. time aspect, ultrasound checks locally where you live, medication handling, injection instructions, prices, contract, etc.).
Requisition for standard blood samples that must be taken before IVF treatment is sent together with the appointment confirmation. Samples are taken to check for signs of infection and egg reserves. You take the blood samples at the nearest hospital at the first opportunity. You will be informed about the answers when you are here at The Fertility Test.
Most hospitals have a lab where you can go and take blood samples without an appointment. If it is a long way to the nearest hospital, you can check with your doctor's office if you can take the samples there. The samples must be sent to an approved laboratory for analysis (list of approved laboratories will be attached). If there are answers to the blood tests and preliminary examinations suggest it, the treatment can usually start at the following menstruation.
IVF means in vitro fertilization. The woman goes through a down-regulation and stimulation process. After a set period, an ultrasound is performed to check the mucosa and the number of follicles. Based on this ultrasound, the date of egg removal is determined. Sometimes it is necessary to continue with medication for a few extra days and get a new ultrasound. At OPU day, you will be checked into the reception where contracts will be signed, ID checked, and payment received. You will then be assigned a separate room where you can retire and relax before the egg retrieval. The nurse comes in with medication in advance of the withdrawal. You can go to the lab together. It is always good to have a hand to hold.
The donor sperm has now been prepared and will be placed in the petri dish together with the eggs that were taken out. They will then be placed in an incubator. If the nurse has been inside and talked to you after the egg retrieval, you are "free" to go home. You can expect a phone call from us the following day about how the conception went. You will also be informed at this telephone call when the insertion will be.
We should also remind you that all fertilized eggs are placed in an incubator called EmbryoScope here at Klinikk Hausken. This is a revolutionary piece of equipment that allows embryos to be filmed throughout cell division. This makes it easier for embryologists to select the best embryo to be inserted.
Most patients start with The Fertility Test. The test provides the answers you need.
IVF & Fertility
The fertility test