Klinikk Hausken an in-house egg bank and follows strict rules for IVF treatment with egg donation.
IVF treatment with egg donation may be a solution for heterosexual couples where the woman has reduced egg quality and in cases where the woman has few or no eggs. The form of treatment can also be a solution where the eggs have not previously responded to medication or IVF treatment.
This form of treatment makes it possible for an infertile woman to become pregnant and carry the child herself.
IVF treatment with egg donation has excellent results since eggs of high quality are being used in a regular IVF treatment.
Klinikk Hausken has its own egg bank, and you receive detailed information about how the process works. Once the doctor has selected eggs from a suitable donor, these can be fertilised with the man's semen. The egg now becomes an embryo. Embryologists monitor the fertilised eggs in the laboratory and select the best embryo for insertion. The woman who is to receive the eggs goes through a hormone treatment that prepares the body for insertion.
There are strict rules for egg donation in Norway. There is also an upper limit to how many eggs a woman can donate. We have created a separate page for those who want to become an egg donor. This can also be informative for those who wish to receive eggs. Lesbian couples can take advantage of IVF treatment with partner donation.
Most patients start with The Fertility Test. The test provides the answers you need.
IVF & Fertility
The fertility test