Micro-TESE is a microscopically assisted search for sperm in the testicle. This is the most advanced method for looking for sperm that can later be used in connection with assisted reproduction (IVF).
Klinikk Hausken is currently the only fertility clinic that offers micro-TESE in Norway. Our micro-TESE patients give us good feedback. Some people are a little apprehensive before the operation - especially when they hear that we use local anaesthesia. Most people are reassured when they notice that the anaesthetic works and the procedures are painless. In fact, it turns out that many people choose to follow the monitor while the doctor performs the procedure.
After the operation, most people travel home after a short time. The average sick leave period is approximately one week.
Everyone at Klinikk Hausken is very satisfied with the results and good feedback from the patients. We are also proud to offer such an advanced and laboratory-demanding procedure that makes it possible to help more couples have children.

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics.