
Digital illustration of cells
Klinikk Hausken

September 4, 2012

Digital illustration of cells

Klinikk Hausken has gained more than a year’s experience using the Embryoscope™  and we are still the only Norwegian clinic with this revolutionary time lapse embryo monitoring system. Embryoscope™  has an incubator for embryo culture equipped with an inbuilt microscope and camera system which captures images of embryos every 20 minutes. This allows the embryos to be cultured undisturbed, with minimal stress.

As the embryos are exposed to minimal stress during culture, their potential to develop successfully increases. Simultaneously the additional information obtained from time lapse imaging allows us to choose the right embryo with the best implantation potential. Due to our improved results using this technology we invested in a second EmbryoScope™ in February 2012. Having 2 Embryoscopes have allowed us to offer this revolutionary technology to almost all our couples.

The large database of information we have collected from the Embryoscopes has enabled us to develop our own developmental timeline for the embryos. This timeline is now used in addition to our in-house morphological grading system which has become an additional tool for embryo selection. The clinic is sure this will improve your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Klinikk Hausken

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