New study.

Embryologist next to microscope
Klinikk Hausken

March 28, 2011

Embryologist next to microscope

Klinikk Hausken participates in a new international prospective multi-center study led by Prof. Griesinger at the University of Luebeck.

The study examines the difference in how the ovaries respond to a given hormonal stimulation. When you give the same hormonal stimulation to different women, there is a great variation in the number of eggs that you take out at egg retrieval. Many factors can affect the result: The woman's age (both calendar and biological), PCOS, lifestyle factors, genetic factors, etc.

In particular, genetic variations have been little studied so far. With this study, we will study whether genetic differences in hormone receptors affect the stimulation result. The result of this study will possibly help us optimize hormone stimulation in the future. We warmly welcome all couples who are willing to participate!

Klinikk Hausken

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