Jon Hausken: Many couples may think that IVF is a bit violent. In a way, they want to find out what is wrong. And preferably take a tablet, and then they can arrange it at home. IVF is the treatment because it optimizes all the processes.
We get to see how the maturation process is. We get the eggs out of the body. And then we get in a way seen, are they normal or are they not normal? But not only that, we can help with fertilization. Is it the case that normal sperm quality will fertilize the eggs? It happens that so-called normal sperm quality and normal eggs that it does not enter fertilization inside the body. When we get this taken out of the body, we see it. Ok, it's actually a fertilization problem. And then we can help with that.
At the same time, it is important to optimize the process around the implantation itself. That is, that it should stick. When we do IVF, we know when the implantation will occur. And then you can also give additional medication to either alleviate an inflammation, or to try to optimize a protein expression which then provides the right conditions for the actual attachment in the uterine cavity. So test tubes are today, the treatment for missed pregnancy.
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The fertility test