IVF with donor (IVFD)

Get an overview in how the treatment takes place with a step-by-step guide.

A busy mother has a home office with her child playing in the background

At Klinikk Hausken, IVFD (in vitro treatment) starts with The Fertility Test. It exposes the causes of missed pregnancies.

All couples have their challenges. We, therefore, adjust the treatment to individual needs. You have a detailed review with both doctor and nurse. Together we find the treatment that suits you best and that increases the chance of a successful pregnancy.

In most cases, we use a so-called "Short Protocol". Sometimes, however, pre-treatment is necessary before the woman starts with hormone stimulation. When we need pre-treatment, we use something called "Long Protocol".

Young heterosexual couple about to start IVF treatment posing smiling in their living room

Fertility treatment (IVF) – step by step

Price list

Frequently asked questions

Customer testimonials

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The fertility test

IVF journeys

Portrait of female employee

"Klinikk Hausken has modern clinics in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen og Haugesund. We are where you are."

Modern fertility clinic interior


Our team of doctors and embryologists work with the latest and innovative technology

Waiting area in modern clinic

Leader in Norway

The clinic has grown since 2006. We help more singles and couples with IVF treatment than anyone else.

Modern clinic interior at Klinikk Hausken


You get a personally tailored treatment plan. It is an important reason for our success rate.

Portrait of female employee at fertility clinic

Book your appointment here

We help you find a suitable time. You can suggest a couple of dates and time that works best for you.

Select the clinic closest to where you live.

The Fertility Test gives you the answers you need.

You do not need a referral from a GP to book appointments.

Got questions? We answer you as soon as we can.

Appointments & questions

Book your appointment in the below form. Normally you do not need to wait. Feel free to send us questions. Our team is ready to help you.

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