
Klinikk Hausken has a team who are experts in their fields who share their insights and know-how through articles and posts.

A doctor filling in details in a patient journal

Below, you see the overview of those who contribute articles and posts on the The IVF blog.

Articles about IVF.

IVF and fertility treatment are constantly evolving and the clinic must follow what is happening. The articles deal with much of what is current and also topics and areas that we see that many of the patients want more information about.

Posts about gynaecology.

Gynaecology and ultrasound are also two areas that are important for our clinics. Women of all ages get help from our gynaecologists. You will find articles and posts that address the latest in gynaecological examinations, and answers to questions that often arise when women go to a gynaecologist or ultrasound.

Read about the emotional aspect of fertility treatment.

Fertility treatment can be an emotional roller coaster. Patients who undergo fertility treatment at Klinikk Hausken receive support from our family therapist. Therefore the fertility journey becomes as good as possible. It can also be encouraging to read articles and posts that address the mental part of fertility treatment.


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The IVf blog
